Audio Loops & Samples Soul / R&B
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RnB is back from the nineties with an elegant transformation. This time around smoother than ever before. Don't miss out on this sexy sound - and slide into the WKND.

Ever-changing with loads of new artists who continuously revitalize the genre. WKND RnB perfectly captures this dynamic. The pack has all the right tools to craft a contemporary, catchy RnB hit. The smooth, lush vocals are inspired by artists that currently continue to dominate the RnB charts. Synths, beats, and chords all influenced by new electronic trends will give you that cutting RnB sound. Shaped to shine - Get the refresh now!

398 x Loops
46 x Bass Loops
101 x Drum Loops
57 x Guitar Loops
50 x Key Loops
32 x Orchestral & Horn Loops
77 x Synth & FX Loops
35 x Vocal Loops

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