Audio Loops & Samples Rock Andere
Rockin' Guitar Riffs Vol 1
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

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  • WAV

'Rockin' Guitar Riffs Vol 1'

is here to bring some serious edge and grunt to your tracks.

Featuring 42 raw guitar loops arranged into 9 Construction Kits (including wet and dry mixes) you'll find all the tools you need to add some attitude to your next production.

Recorded in tempos ranging from 80-165 BPM this pack includes no less than 9 Construction Kits in a selection of key signatures. High quality 24-bit audio ensures pristine quality and the inclusion of wet and dry allows you to craft your own custom FX mix.

The included wet loops have been processed with a subtle amount of reverb, giving each loop warmth and width without damaging the tone.

Please note that this pack includes only guitar loops, and any other instrumention heard in the demo is for demonstration purposes only.

Included Construction Kits:

  • Myth and Madness - 80 BPM, F#
  • Sharp Edges - 128 BPM, Em
  • Aerosol - 135 BPM, Em
  • Rough and Ready - 135 BPM, Em
  • Slow and Steady - 135 BPM, Em
  • Smooth and Steady - 137 BPM, Em
  • Thorn and Briar - 140 BPM, Bm
  • Sweat and Sorrow - 164 BPM, B
  • Sharp and Crunchy - 165 BPM, C#


  • 24-Bit AIFF
  • 24-Bit WAV
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