Audio Loops & Samples Various
Wah Wah Guitars Vol 1
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

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  • WAV

'Wah Wah Guitars Vol 1'

is here to add a little funktastic magic to your tracks, including 71 riffs, rhythms and melodies arranged into six loop sets ranging from 60-128 BPM and composed in the style of some of the most influential funk musicians.

You'll find clean and overdriven riffs, encompassing a range of styles and feels along with a healthy dose of Hendrix and a little Jamiroquai on the side.

Pack Includes:

  • Overdrive Riffage
  • Overdrive Chordage
  • Wah Wah Grooves 'n' Riffs
  • Clean Wah Wah 1
  • Clean Wah Wah Riffs 1
  • Wah Wah Chords


24-Bit AIF
24-Bit WAV

Please Note:

This pack contains dry guitar wah wah loops only. Drum loops and effects used in the demo are not included.

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